Ross Gardler wrote:
> Steven Noels wrote:
> >Ross Gardler wrote:
> >
> >>We, the Forrest team, believe that we have now updated all our 
> >>documentation to point at the new issues tracker at Could 
> >>we ask that you place a redirect in your .htaccess to point visitors 
> >>to the issue tracker to the new tracker at:
> >>
> >>
> >
> >The main issue I have with this is that there's other projects still 
> >hosted @, so I can't redirect all 
> >traffic to issues.a.o
> >
> >If you can come up with some sensible mod_rewrite settings, I'll be 
> >happy to add them. And I can check to make the old project read-only as 
> >well.
> Fair enough. I have no idea how to do this so I'll have to hope another 
> Forrest dev does know, we'll get back to you.

Please add something simple so that all the Forrest "browse" links
in the mail archives will still work. The remainder of the Jira URLs
for Forrest will have to be broken.

RedirectMatch (.*)browse/FOR-([0-9]+)(.*)$$2

> In the meantime is it possible to simply "close down" the FOR project on 
> your version of the issue tracker. That will at least cause people to 
> ask us where it has gone.

Our new Jira seems to be fine at now. So can you please remove
the old one completely.


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