Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

Create a plugins task for ANT

      Key: FOR-535


The ant file for loading and mounting plugins is horribly
complex now that we are using versioned plugins. I've used
lots of if elements and mutable properties from the
ant-contrib package. In my view when you overuse these tasks
it generally means you should have a specialised ANT task to
handle the logic. ANT is not supposed to be a programming language.

We need to create an ANT task for the handling the
installation of plugns so that we have more control over what
is going on (for example, we can remove the need to have an
unversioned plugin to fall back on).



Maybe the Maven Ant tasks could helpful (in a wider) context?

Well, not much, but still so.

I'm trying to use them for Cocoon, but I'm having problems, as they are
Alpha-2, and I'm working with the Maven developers to make them work
well. I will propose them here too, after they work in Cocoon, but for
them moment I would not use them here.

I'll take a look at what Ross has done and see if I have any idea.

You will not like what you see! In fact, I'm not at all sure you will be able to work out how it works, it really is a complex web of conditional statements. Hence the above issue.

I did think about making it all conditional tasks but that just got even more complex. The main problem is that when installing a plugin we need to work out if it is an input, output or internal. Then we need to figure out if the requested version is available, if it is we use it, if it isn't then we use the unversioned one. To further complicate things, sometimes the one requested will be the unversioned one anyway.

It all works, but I can imagine someone having a nightmare trying to maintain it - not good.


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