I haven't had time to dig into this in detail, but I hope someone
familiar with plugins will help me fill in the missing pieces.

I tried to build some site with the new 0.7rc1, which contains
simplified docbook documents.  The site built successfully, but the
pages were empty (shouldn't this fail?).

Anyway, I added the simplified-docbook plugin to forrest.properties,
and ran "forrest init-plugins", which failed with:

org.apache.forrest.plugin.input.simplified-docbook is not available in the 
build dir

Unable to retrieve the org.apache.forrest.plugin.input.simplified plugin.
There may be more information about the reason for this in output

My current guess is that the name "simplified-docbook" collides with
the versioned plugins naming, so that "docbook" is interpreted as a
version number, and there is no plugin "simplified."


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