Ross Gardler wrote:
> David Crossley wrote:
> >David Crossley wrote:
> >
> >>I tested rc3 on Mac OS X. Java 1.4.2_05
> >>
> >>The usual things worked well and i also did the DocBook/XSL test
> >>and the "Download DTD" example. I have not yet tried the forrestbot.
> >>
> >>However i had some trouble with deploying a webapp under a full Jetty.
> >>
> >>The default seed site my-project.war was okay, but the war from
> >>site-author was broken with a Cocoon error ...
> >>request-uri: /forrest/index.html
> >>cause:
> >>/private/tmp/Jetty__36366__forrest/webapp/project/skinconf.xml (No such 
> >>file or directory)
> >>
> >>I wonder if some configuration is not being handled, because
> >>our skinconf.xml is at a non-standard location.
> >
> >FOR-551 non-standard "project.content-dir=." does not get packed with WAR 
> >archive
> >
> >>Another issue: The core DTDs are fine, but additional DTDs are not
> >>being handled via a webapp, e.g. the "Download DTD" example or
> >>DTDs from plugins.
> >
> >That is three separate issues and each has a workaround or a solution ...
> >
> >FOR-548 project DTD catalogs are not included when running as a servlet WAR
> >
> >FOR-549 plugin DTD catalogs are not included when running as a servlet WAR"
> >
> >FOR-550 build/plugins/catalog.xcat has full pathnames to each individual
> >plugin catalog.xcat
> Well spotted David, how come you are so thorough, would you care to be 
> cloned? Every Apache project needs at least one of you.

I would love to be cloned, even if just for my own purposes.
Either that, or be able to make time.

We need to get our zone set up with automated testing and actual use.
We should have discovered it ages ago.

> So this is not a blocker then, we should add a FAQ to our live website. 
> Perhaps we should start a "known problems" section in the FAQ and add a 
> step to the release process to verify that entries there are still relevant.

We could use a Jira URL to list the open issues that affect each version.
Can someone find the incantation?


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