David Crossley wrote:
Ferdinand Soethe wrote:

Ross Gardler wrote:

I hadn't thought of that, but it triggered another requirement in my
mind, which happens to provide a solution.

I might add the need for a simple minimum seed for people who want to
start a fresh site w/o having to move all our demo junk out of it


perhaps some custom targets for common applications such as

- myPersonalForrestHomepage
- myForrestBusinessSite

with a few prefab pages that can be filled by a novice user.

Yes, the ability to have various seed sites should be an important
feature of our next release. We have talked about it a bit before.
We should create a Jira issue so that it gets on the roadmap.

Another requirement from the previous discussion was the ability
to have a raw site, i.e. strip the license headers from the xdocs
files and have basically no content.

Yes, I deliberately missed this from this thread because I new what was about to come, but could not publically announce it until today. I will be posting a separate mail regarding this and other issues in a short while.


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