On Thu, 2005-06-30 at 14:15 +1000, David Crossley wrote:
> I have done the next step in setting up some services on our zone.
> There is now a forrestbot running there to build the current "seed site".
> Just the cron side of forrestbot for the moment. The forrestbot web interface
> is the next thing to set up.
> There are cron jobs to automatically refresh the trunk every hour:
> 'svn update; cd main; build clean; build'
> and then generate the seed site. That works nicely.
> The result is at forrest.zones.apache.org ... point your browser
> at the /ft/build/ directory (shorthand for forrestbot-trunk).
> I still need to figure out how to send mail if something fails.
> Thorsten/Antonio: have the Lenya/Cocoon people been able to
> send mail from their zone.

I was in #asfinfra, here the log:
(16:40:43) target-x: hello all
(16:41:12) target-x: Can we send mails from our zones?
(16:41:51) quasi: it needs to be allowed on hermes
(16:43:04) target-x: How can we from lenya and forrest request this
(16:43:16) target-x: mail to infrastructure list?
(16:43:24) quasi: or a jira issue
(16:43:24) target-x: from pmc head
(16:43:37) target-x: or normal committer which is in the pmc?
(16:44:52) gregor: what do we need it for, target-x?
(16:45:02) quasi: if you send the mail cc to the pmc, then documentation
should be ok 


> If other comitters want to look behind-the-scenes:
> ssh forrest.zones.apache.org
> cd /export/home/config
> cat README.txt
> More later ...
> -David

"Together we stand, divided we fall!" 
Hey you (Pink Floyd)

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