On Fri, 2005-07-22 at 16:20 +0200, Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
> I have been thinking a lot about "Views", the positioning in the Forrest
> concepts and the naming.
> I came to the conclusion that the best thing to do is to call them
> Forrest Templates. It's the templating system that is used to style the
> pages.

Hmm, I agree that *part* of forrest:views is a templating system but on
the other hand forrest:views is as well a change of the processing
paradigm that we have till now.

I will prepare a proposal for the naming which we can discuss. Before
this discussion I rather do not rename forrest:views with templates to
not cause more confusion. 

> At this point, one thing comes to mind... what makes this different from
> other templating systems? I mean, why not use [Velocity], [XSLTAL] or
> JXpath templates from Cocoon?

Actually I played around with JXTemplates when I started developing
forrest:views. Actually I would like to use [Velocity], [XSLTAL],...
within views and I am playing ATM around with those to see how I can
integrate them into views. I will report back on it as soon as I find
more time.

> Whichever system, the Forrest templates will be the first to be called
> for processing, and they will be resolved through the locationmap
> instead of the source files as now. Then, the template found will point
> to the source(s) needed, and again ask for those through the locationmap.


> The default templates will point to the sourcefiles with the same name,
> but users will be able to override this.

Yes, users already can do this. There is a property in the
forrest.properties for it.

> [Velocity] http://jakarta.apache.org/velocity
> [XSLTAL] http://wiki.bitflux.org/Templates_TAL

"Together we stand, divided we fall!" 
Hey you (Pink Floyd)

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