On Thursday 11 August 2005 1:40 am, David Crossley wrote:
> Aha, i see that you have been misunderstanding
> something fundamental. It needs to be published
> via our normal document publishing, just like
> any other document.

Thanks a ton for clearing that up! All this while I had been under the 
impression that everything on Forrest's website had to go through a Forrest 
publishing process. Completely forgot about the .htaccess! :-)

I have added the doap.xml file both to Forrest trunk and site. Right now I've 
just synced them manually, and its not linked from anywhere within site.xml 
yet. That will probably change as we figure out the best way of publishing 
this info.

> To publish the website manually, do the following.
> It is good to get a feel for how it all happens,
> then use the forrestbot most times after that.

This was very useful, thanks again!

> Or use the forrestbot as described in
> trunk/etc/publishing_our_site.txt
> which you already did sucessfully recently.

I sure did.

Web/Blog/Gallery: http://floatingsun.net

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