This thread started on the PMC list because we have a sepcific request for short article on Forrest and its involvement with GSoC in a major Magazine (for the benefit of the PMC, the artcile length has been reduced from that originally proposed). However, the general theme of the discussion is relevant to the community as a whole so we are moving the general discussion here.

Forrest, to date, has resisted getting publicity because we feel that the community is not really strong enough to support an influx of users. At this stage we feel that it is important to expand the developer base rather than gain high profile pubicity for the project. This needs to happen in an organic and managed way.

However, we can't hope to attract developers if nobody knows that the project exists and whether it can help or not. So maybe *some* press is a good idea.

I therefore proposed that we write some articles with a slightly "unusual" focus. We would like feedback from the wider community on the idea of this article, the usefullness of such articles and any further comments regarding publicity in general.

The proposed article(s) would provide an overview of Forrest, the Apache development process, how GSoC has interacted with that process, and how Anil feels about the mentoring process as an entry mechanism to Open Source and the wider Forrest community.

We hope that the article will paint an image of Forrest is a gentle entry to ASF projects and specifically to the the full power of the *huge* project that is Cocoon. Whilst at the same time providing encouragement for technical folk who have an XML publishing need, the kinds of users that might progress to becoing developers.

It is important to realise that this kind of article is *not* what has been requested by the magazine mentioned earlier. They want a "normal" 400-500 word description of the GSoC project, its aims and what it delieverd. I think that this article can be written without it attrating large numbers of users needing support since the whole purpose of the GSoC project is to provide support for users who need a GUI to be able to do work and we will say in the article that the GSoC project provides the initial seed code for this, but is a long way from a fully usable GUI.

So, community comments on the benefits of this article are also welcome. If the community feels this publicity could be "too much too soon" then we won't write it. There are too few of us developers to go around as it is, I don't want to see one or two of us getting snowed under by an influx of new users.


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