Tim Williams wrote:
On 8/27/05, David Crossley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Most of my time is being taken up with general issues
for the Forrest project, so i don't often have the
time to help. I wish that other people would help more
with that stuff, applying the patches, guiding the
new developers.

What's "that stuff"?  I'm happy to help beyond just development work
if I know what the "issues" are.

Basically, most of what David does is the "stuff" that the rest of us largely ignore but is absolutely vital to the survival of the project ;-)

Here are a few thinks that I think David may be referring to (I am sure he'll add some more to the list):

- maintenance of the published site
- configuration of a testing environment on our Zone
- maintenance of Jira
  - issues linked to discussions
  - links between issues
- proofing documentation
- ensuring user feedback is reflected in our documentation
- checking license files are correct and complete
- applying bug fixes
- fixing bugs (rather than creating new features)
- running "build test" before committing changes
- ...


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