On Sat, 2005-08-27 at 22:53 +0200, Thorsten Scherler wrote:
> > I needed do change some classes to allow actions in the lm to be
> > matched:
> > ?      java/org/apache/forrest/locationmap/lm/ActNode.java
> > M      java/org/apache/forrest/locationmap/lm/MatchNode.java
> > M      java/org/apache/forrest/locationmap/lm/SelectNode.java
> > M      java/org/apache/forrest/locationmap/lm/LocationMap.java
> > M      java/org/apache/forrest/locationmap/lm/LocatorNode.java
> > 
> > The step where I need some help with in ActNode.java is how do I get:
> > public String locate(Map objectModel, InvokeContext context) throws
> > Exception {
> >   Parameters parameters = resolveParameters(context,objectModel);
> >   Map substitutions = m_action.act(redirector, resolver, objectModel,
> > source, parameters);
> > ...
> > }
> > working.
> BTW should I check that in regardless it is <act/> is not working?
> Everything else seems to work fine?

Parameters parameters = resolveParameters(context,objectModel);
Redirector redirector = context.getRedirector();
String source = "";

Still need to test. 


"Together we stand, divided we fall!" 
Hey you (Pink Floyd)

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