David Crossley wrote:
> Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
>>David Crossley wrote:
>>>I revised the list, taking the replies into account
>>>and adding some new queries.
>>>>- agree the subset of XHTML2 to be used
>>>>and document that via example.
>>>See other thread.
>>>>- create DTD's
>>>Why do we need DTDs for use with internal structure?
>>For using XHTML2 as an input format.
> For that part i did understand the need. If the xml instances
> declare them, then the parser needs to resolve them locally.
> Same with any document type.
> Of course there are no DTDs yet at Appendix F or G.
> However, we are discussing internal processing,
> and i was wondering what is the need for DTDs there.
> Is there any need?


> Or am i misunderstanding something about XHTML2 and DTDs?


>>In fact it will be a modularization
>>of XHTML2 via RelaxNG validation.

>>>>- Decide how to make the pipeline process.
>>>>Now we have body-*.html and stuff, but a simpler process
>>>>should be devised.
> Do you mean keep the existing pipelines and
> starting this new one so that old and new can
> work side-by-side until the new stuff is ready.


No need for a separate branch means easier involvment.

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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