Thorsten Scherler wrote:
On Wed, 2005-08-31 at 16:28 +0100, Ross Gardler wrote:

Thorsten Scherler wrote:

What I tell you is just a quick thought that I was having while
lunch. ;-)

I saw your commits and still have to check your code. Anyway here it

On Wed, 2005-08-31 at 12:20 +0100, Ross Gardler wrote:
<snip introduction>

We need to be able to present different views on each source file. For example, the blogs.xml resume needs to be presented with a number of different views. Each view will have different content, for example, the "complete" view will have all project history with full details of all projects no matter how long ago they took place. The "recent" view will show the full details of the most recent job and a summary of each of the earlier projects.

I'm not at all sure how to do this. I guess the view name will be provided in the URL:

Any hints on how I then pass that to the view resolver in the internal.view plugin?

Actually I did a similar thing once. What you can do is create the
directories resume/complete_view and resume/summary_view in your project
and add the views. If you use the default.fv (or the name you have
choosen) in this directories then all the pages will use this view.

What happens here is that the plugin will deliver the main content when
requesting above links (not the project file system) and the view
resolver will match the views in the directory structure.

Actually this approach only works if the content is coming from a plugin
and you have a project. Not 100% true because the is a way to implement
it against a file structure, but that is not what you requested, or?

Does that makes sense to you?

I think I understand, is this what you mean...


Actually my idea was based on the lm but it was working like you
describe (and it was working for me back then). I tried once with the
lenya lm match we had in the lm branch.

The idea (back then) was that your request is:

You define
<map:match pattern="lenya/**.xml">
   <map:generate src="{lm:{1}.xml}"/>
   <map:serialize type="xml"/>

With help of the dir structure, that have been empty, because you could
not have a lenya dir in your xdocs that where actually serving content
(that came from the lenya server), you could use the normal view

Doh! You are right, I had already implemented the very solution you describe in a different use case.

Your point that this seems like a hack because we touching two things is
valid. You wrote:
"Of course, a hack is a quick solution, if we find this truly useful
then we can find a way of getting this into the view-resolver"


I will have no time tonight, so I cannot try. I reckon it is worth a
Anyway, wdyt?

I think your idea sounds like a sensible one. I'm happy with the hack for now. But if you want to try this out I'll be even happier. My only concern is that all *.fv files will be in a single file. But I guess jxtempaltes allow me to import external files.


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