David wrote:

Thanks. If you use the examples I provide (in a few hours) to get it all
working I can then afterwards convert it into a proper forrest xml/html

Sorry i don't understand what you mean by "forrest version"
or "convert it into a proper forrest xml/html".

Wait and see what you have today. **

Sorry, I mean the page I put up as example code at
is just a standalone page and is not part of a
forrest site, contains no menus etc etc.

I guess we will create a branch to work in as part of the Forrest Tuesday thing. We will, most likely start off with a new seed site that uses XHTML2 as the source files. We then need to convert forrest:views to work with these input files rather than with Xdocs.

By conversion I mean to create a /samples/xhtml2.* page
(or whiteboard) containing all these new elements,using
an existing forrest page, probably

I think the process you are using, working through the recomendation and creating parts of the document to illustrate each of the elements is better than starting with an existing document v2.0. This way we know we have everything in the example page. Although it is worth bearing in mind the goal is to have a file that can replace http://forrest.apache.org/dtdx/document-v20.html as an example of ow to do things, so the language used should be similar..

The aim of ForrestTuesday is to start working on the
proper xhtml2 internal format. So the job is big.
See the mail thread in the Description of

I don't doubt the hugeness of the task, I was just hoping
to create a sample page involving everything that is xhtml2
that can be used as a basis of xhtml2 working code. All this
pipelining stuff etc is where I watch with interest. I am
looking at relaxNG stuff and at
but that is all I am doing atm, looking.

It is brilliant you are finding the time to get started on this stuff ahead of Forrest Tuesday. We will need you to be around all (your) night to advise on the relaxNG stuff ;-)


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