> In addition to enhancing the plugin as an extension of the Eclipse IDE,
> I also see the potential for the development of a GUI front end for
> Forrest. I have already put in the necessary framework to extend the
> Plugin to an Eclipse Rich Client Application which could be distributed
> as a standalone application.

Great having you around, doing GUI work and
even planning to extend it ...

> Again thank you for your help and support. Although the Summer of Code
> is finished, I am not and I intend to continue contributing.

Thank *you* for your contributions!


> Regards,
> Anil Ramnanan

User Interface Design GmbH * Teinacher Str. 38 * D-71634 Ludwigsburg
Fon +49 (0)7141 377 000 * Fax  +49 (0)7141 377 00-99
Geschäftsstelle: User Interface Design GmbH * Lehrer-Götz-Weg 11 * D-81825 

Buch "User Interface Tuning" von Joachim Machate & Michael Burmester

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