Diwaker Gupta wrote:
We need to be clear on what we are going to achieve and how *before*
having a Forrest Tuesday event.

To an extent. It is very hard to be clear beforehand.

Yes, it is true we cannot clearly define individual tasks, but we can at least agree an approach. I think that is where we failed here, we had a grand vision but no approach planned, instead we had a number of tasks that were ill-defined.

I agree. Besides, I think FT's provide a unique opportunity for people
to collaboratively explore new directions. This is important, because
even if we are clear on what we want to achieve, unexpected surprises
might come up on the way (implementation details/limitations that we
didn't think of earlier etc) so we need some kind of "slack".

This is also true.

I wonder if we can gather together for an hour or two
to just discuss in real time where we are going.
Define some objectives.

It could be an IRC session. For me the other day
i found it difficult to hold multi-facetted discussion.
Still worthwhile.

I'm OK with this as long as we are aware that this is not to be a *standard* approach and that we only hold it at a time when everybody, who wants to attend, is able to do so (that shouldn't be too hard to achieve, as David said many of us are prepared to be very flexible with out timing).

+1 for IRC. +0 for Skype. Weekends work best for me, I'll go with the majority.

I'd prefer Skype, I feel it is a higher bandwidth communication and is less open to misinterpretation.

As an additional thought, there is a new thing called vSkype that allows up to 200 people to participate and you can share one persons desktop. We could use the shared desktop to allow someone to take real time notes (if we use the Lenya instance, which seems to be up and running now, we can switch the "note taker" around.

I'm not saying no to IRC, I'll use whatever is appropriate, it does have the advantage of being self logging.

Whatever medium we need I think it is important that we follow Ferdinands recomendation of taking a minute after each statement to consider what has been said by the previous speaker (man that will be hard for me!)


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