Ross Gardler wrote:
Ross Gardler wrote:

HANAX wrote:

Finally I have done my exams, so now it's good time for me to continue my work.

Welcome back, I trust you did well in your exams?

I remember that last time we were talking about views and that was the last thing I read in this forum. Now I'm not in the picture now so I'll appreciate some help how to user views and integrate them or what else...

Yes, moving your work into views is the next stage. If I understand correctly the voiceXML stuff should go in the <head> section of the final HTML page. Is that right?

In order to do this we simply need to onvert your existing stylesheets into templates that can then be reused in a view. I'm sure that means almost nothing to you right now, given tat we have very little documentation on views yet. Perhaps a good starting point is our recent thread on defining views terminology. We have not yet turned this into a document, but I think the discussion ended in agreement. You can see the thread in our archives at

Whilst you are reading this I will set up your plugin so they are using views. From there you can create a template to insert your voiceXML stuff into the view.

With Thorstens help the voice plugin is now views enabled.

The next step is to create a contract that will generate your voiceXML information and embed it within the view of the page.

If my understanding is correct and this info should go into the head you will need to create a contract like the siteinfo-meta contract [1] that adds content to the head. If I have this wrong and it is supposed to go in the body then you will find plenty of example contracts for this.

Then you will need to add this contract to the src/documentation/content/xdoc/voice.fv file (you can see how by looking at the siteinfo-meta contract which is used in there).

Unfortunately our docs for this part of Forrest are thin on the ground since it is very new and evolving as we speak. THere are some docs about creating a contract at [2]

Be sure to ask questions, we will help out.

As a starting hint your stylesheet, that currently creates the msmxl page will go into your contract.



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