Thorsten Scherler wrote:
> David Crossley escribi??:
> > Thorsten Scherler wrote:
> > >
> > > I never have seen university nor commercial studies providing evidence
> > > for such a relation. Do you have any proof or concrete examples for this
> > > claim?
> > 
> > The ASF and its ways is starting to be discussed
> > in such fora, but really we are breaking new ground
> > in community building.
> > 
> > It is obvious to me that if we start making a special
> > list of who did what, then we will get into hot water.
> > Listing certain people and not *every* person who
> > made a contribution will cause various troubles.
> > Here are some ...
> > 
> > * Inferiority complex.
> > 
> > * Mistaken impression about "leadership". There are
> > no leaders in Apache communities. We are essentially
> > all equal developers. The committed ones will eventually
> > become committers.
> > 
> > * Maintenance nightmare. Who is going to wade through
> > our history and list all the deserving contributions.
> > Who will keep it up-to-date.
> > 
> > * Impossible to determine who is a "deserving contributor".
> Hmm, that are some of the well known FUD arguments of it. You have not
> shown me any proof of such relation but rather used the most common FUD
> arguments.

They are not FUD. Thorsten, this is getting silly.

> I still do not understand, why other Apache projects are having a
> history page and you are not concerned enough about it to bring it up in
> those projects (or in the case of cocoon where you are committer, just
> revert it/remove it, like you did with my commit).
> Why?

Forrest sucks up all my time. I try to keep up-to-date
at Cocoon-dev but not time to make any commits, let alone
get into discussions like this one.

My main aim at Forrest is to help develop a community
style that acknowledges every contributor and not
just a few people. If i see some documentation or code
that goes against that, then i will change it. Not just
me, we all need to constantly improve our documentation.

Perhaps one day i will have time to help get Cocoon's
community development back on the rails too. Their
progress with Guidelines documentation has stalled.

At the moment Forrest is my focus.
