David Crossley wrote:
Thorsten Scherler wrote:
David Crossley wrote:
Proposed Java version to test this release is Java 1.4

Thanks for following up. This is something that
we need to decide as part of the Release Plan.
I see that people are already saying yes.

 "forrest war and classpath issues with Jetty"

It seems if we make it 1.5 we could close above issue as won't fix.

Why want we 1.4?

Because there are still a very large number of organisations that use 1.4

My view is that we need more investigation of FOR-765.
We need more people to test with different versions of
Jetty/Apache Tomcat and Java 1.4 version.
So far only me and i might have a bad Jetty config.

I reckon that we should stick with Java 1.4 unless
we really need to use specific features of Java 5.
No need to just cut off part of our audience.


I think this is one that we should all try and fix. U'll try and find some time today to look at it.
