Thorsten Scherler wrote:
> Ross Gardler wrote:
> > Thorsten Scherler wrote:
> > >
> > > I would like to propose that "forrest clean" removes the whole build/
> > > directory instead only some directories within.
> > 
> > -1 that would require users to build forrest.
> I am talking about:
> cd site-author
> forrest clean
> That is not forcing user to build forrest. It is project specific and
> removes the build in site-author/build. 
> It is not equal to 
> cd main
> ./ clean
> See "Re: svn commit: r536953 [1/14]" why I would like to change the
> behavior. 

I do have a concern.

Doing 'forrest clean' should only remove build/site/
directory because that was the process that created it,
i.e. doing 'forrest site'.

Doing 'forrest -f ...' is invoking the forrestbot, i.e
not the 'forrest site' style of build.

The forrestbot's own 'clean' workstage [1] should handle its
own spawn, e.g. site-author/build/forrest-docs/ which was the
result of 'forrest -f publish.xml' i.e. a forrestbot run on
site-author. I also have projects with separate forrestbot
runs, so have e.g. build/stage1/ and build/stage2/

[1]  Forrestbot doesn't yet have a 'clean' workstage. Should be easy.
Going by memory there is something in our Issue tracker perhaps

In your origin email "Re: svn commit: r536953" you wrote:
> Is there any special reason why "forrest clean" is not just
> doing "rm -rf build" but "rm -rf build/webapp" "rm -rf build/tmp"? 

It also removes the "build/site" directory.
