After some playing around I created the attached script.
You simply point it to the Forrest home dir (need text to
say so) and it creates explorer context menu items to seed,
run and compile a project.

It still needs the license screen but that is not my point.

What I'm trying to show is:

- We wouldn't need to package all of Forrest in the
  installer. Enclosed script could be in Forrest root
  and Docs could instruct user to execute it once
  Forrest is unzipped.

  (I'd say if unzipping is beyond our user then this won't
   be the last problem they would have with Forrest)

- With a small modification this installer could be
  generic and would not require a change with every release.

- In addition we could create a second installer that lives
  and is executed by "Forrest seed" and creates Start-Menu
  items for runinng and compiling the seeded project.

  With that we could actually do away with the context menu
  items run and comile and just keep seed.


Best regards,
Ferdinand Soethe
; install-apache-forrest-0.8-in-explorer-context-menu.nsi
; Installation script to create context menu items
; for windows explorer that seed, run and compile
; a forrest in a given explorer folder

; The name of the installer
Name "Apache Forrest 0.8 Context Extensions"

; The file to write
OutFile "install-apache-forrest-0.8-in-explorer-context-menu.exe"

; The default installation directory
InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\apache-forrest-0.8\"

; Short Name for Context menu
VAR ShortName


; Pages

; Page components
Page directory
Page instfiles


Section "Explorer Context Menu Extensions"
  strcpy $ShortName "Forrest 0.8"
  WriteRegStr HKCR "FOLDER\shell\$ShortName run" '' "$ShortName run"
  WriteRegStr HKCR "FOLDER\shell\$ShortName run\command" '' "cmd.exe /k cd %L&& 
$INSTDIR\bin\forrest.bat run"

  WriteRegStr HKCR "FOLDER\shell\$ShortName compile" '' "$ShortName compile"
  WriteRegStr HKCR "FOLDER\shell\$ShortName compile\command" '' "cmd.exe /k cd 
%L&& $INSTDIR\bin\forrest.bat"

  WriteRegStr HKCR "FOLDER\shell\$ShortName seed" '' "$ShortName seed"
  WriteRegStr HKCR "FOLDER\shell\$ShortName seed\command" '' "cmd.exe /k cd 
%L&& $INSTDIR\bin\forrest.bat seed"
