Hi All,

In the OOo output plugin there is a stylesheet (xdoc-to-odt.xsl).
In it , contains sections for adding content to xml files and then
zipping them all into the one .odt file.

such as :-


<zip:entry name="content.xml" serializer="xml">

  stuff goes here


<zip:entry name="meta.xml" serializer="xml">

  stuff goes here




What I would like to do, is separate the actual "stuff goes here" content
into their own xml files (content.xml, meta.xml, etc) and have that content
included instead.

<zip:entry name="content.xml" serializer="xml">

<include content.xml file here/>


The xslt is big enough as it is but there is more to do. To add a <ol>
transform for instance I also need to include a block of styles to go with
it. This file can easily get too big for easy maintainability and I would
really only like the actual templates to exist in this file.

So , any ideas?

