On 16/09/2008, at 13:14:34, Ross Gardler wrote:

Pablo Barrera wrote:
On 16/09/2008, at 12:21:09, Ross Gardler wrote:
Thorsten Scherler wrote:
On Tue, 2008-09-16 at 11:22 +0100, Pablo Barrera wrote:

I am trying to modify an structurer but every time I make a change I have to reboot forrest, otherwise I don't see the new changes. Looking around I have read I should turn off the cache adding:

<property name="dispatcher.caching" value="off" />

I'm not sure what this is supposed to do in the disaptcher, but it does not turn off the locationmap cache because:

DEBUG (2008-09-16) 12:05.07:961 [core.modules.mapper.lm] (/ index.dispatcher.css): Locationmap cached location returned for hint: resolve.panels.pelt-html.content value: PATH-TO-PROJECT/src/ documentation/resources//themes/pelt/panels/pelt- html.content.panel.xml

Try the "traditional" approach to turning off the LM caching.

In main/webapp/WEB-INF/xconf/cocoon.xconf change the "cacheable" element for the LocationMapModule to false.

<!-- LocationMap is used to map one URL to another, allowing content to be stored anywhere -->
     logger="core.modules.mapper.lm" name="lm">
     <file src="cocoon://locationmap.xml"/>

This is main/webapp/WEB-INF/cocoon.xconf in FORREST_HOME, isn't it? I have change it to:

<!-- LocationMap is used to map one URL to another, allowing content to be stored anywhere -->
      logger="core.modules.mapper.lm" name="lm">
      <file src="cocoon://locationmap.xml"/>

but same result. I have to reboot forrest to see the changes.



Pablo Barrera