Gavin wrote:
> From: David Crossley
> > David Crossley wrote:
> > > Gavin (JIRA) wrote:
> > > >
> > > >  [ ]
> > > >
> > > > Gavin closed FOR-1090.
> > > > ----------------------
> > > >
> > > >     Resolution: Fixed
> > > >
> > > > Using the odt_dist.png icon, could not get any answers from OpenOffice
> > themselves, I emailed without reply.
> > >
> > > Wait on, -1
> > >
> > > You need to tell us where you found this icon and you need
> > > to be sure of its license.
> > >
> > > Just because they did not answer your email, that does
> > > not mean that we can use it.
> > >
> > > If it is one of the licenses listed on
> > >
> > > then you can use it. Otherwise make a case to the
> > > "legal-discuss@" list, explaining exactly what you
> > > want to do. Search that list first.
> > >
> > > See ...
> > >
> > >
> > > I have not reviewed that document.
> > 
> > Using some organisations icons and trademarks required specific
> > approval. For example see what we, the ASF, require:
> >
> > 
> > Even if we did get approval, it might not mean that we can
> > pass it on to downstream packagers and distributors of
> > or Apache Forrest products.
> Apologies, I waited over a month and got no comments from this list,
> ...

As with everything at ASF, you the developer who wants it
to happen, should jump in and do the work to be sure that
it is okay. You cannot rely on the rest of us explaining
or doing it for you.

I saw your earlier minimal comment, but i was waiting for
you to provide the missing information.

> ... from, openoffice marketing, sun, or anyone.

This is the first that we have heard of that.

> <snip stuff that didn't make the 10 second rule>

I don't understand that.

> so anyway, I'll just my own in the meantime.

Yes, it is often easier to make one's own images.

In the past someone offered in our mail archives
to create an "icons set" for Forrest. Don't know
what happened.

I have often wondered about Forrest doing this itself.
A small SVG source file would automatically generate
a PNG format icon. i.e small rectangular icon with
just the letters "PDF", or "POD", or "ODT", etc.
See the example that creates the "MyGroup" or "MyTitle"
banner images in a "forrest seed-sample" site.

> I have emailed their marketing dept, so we'll see what happens.

You should Cc private@ forrest. This enables the rest of
us to keep an eye on what is happening.


> Most of their stuff is LGPL, which we cant use (but mainly refers to code
> and redistribution and/or contribution of), but some stuff like logos and
> other artwork fall into a PDL (Public Documentation License), I'll have to
> look into that and perhaps liaise with legal as that is currently not
> mentioned on the page you referred to earlier.
> Thanks
> Gav...