On Tue, 2008-12-02 at 21:52 +1000, Gavin wrote:
> Thanks, it also happens to be a (not necessarily the) fix for getting trunk
> working again for Windows Devs. We need to look a bit higher up in the chain
> as to what makes this work and if we can find a solution without having to
> have this fallback permanently in all plugins, current and future.

Actually it maybe our bug after all. Looking at my commit you pointed
out it feels right to have a non relative match as fallback. I mean the
relative match in the lm is for the rare case that one is requesting the
plugin directly or one needs a custom implementation of the match.
However relative path for plugins means: one cannot reuse the lm match
from a project or plugin without implementing the match. 

...and that does not feel right and more like a bug. 

> I don't know why, I just have the niggling feeling that because it works
> without this fix for Linux/MAC then applying the above fix for Windows feels
> to me like a hack.

The above discussed is not a hack but a clear enhancement. Well e.g.
{forrest:forrest.plugins}/org.apache.forrest.plugin.output.Text/ should
be replaced by something shorter. Awesome would be {this} but not sure
whether that is easily to implement.

Thorsten Scherler <thorsten.at.apache.org>
Open Source Java <consulting, training and solutions>