>> I don't understand what this has to do with Forrest,
>> other than it was inspired by Forrest.
>> Why are we talking about the design of Piwi on this list?
>> Better on the Piwi mail list.
> Because the developers seem to think it is appropriate to the Forrest
> project. Just because we don't see why at first glance doesn't mean it isn't
> relevant.

We are interested in sharing with Forrest, if we have the same goals.
In fact, I allready contributed to Apache and I like the people  here.
It might happen that people here think that both projects would fit
together. I think so :-)

>> We have enough trouble getting people to develop Forrest,
>> let alone develop someone else's product.
> The problems with Forrest, as I see them,  were clearly laid out a very long
> time ago. Piwi is addressing the same problems (overly complex, hard to
> host, impossible to embed, hard to understand).

Correct - PIWI has stolen the best of Forrest and tries to make it as
easy as possible. I remember the time when I started to get into
Forrest. Or the time I tried to standardize Forrest as documentation
tool at my clients company.... hard work!

My apologies if I hurt someones feelings here. Forrest is a great
tool, and hopefully PIWI can exist as a sub-project or a sisterproject
at some time at apache.


>> ----------
>> Note for the mail archives:
>> Regarding PHP in Forrest, see the following FAQs:
>> How to use a different filename extension for output, e.g. *.php?
>> http://forrest.apache.org/faq.html#output-filename-extension
>> How to generate pages ready for serving via PHP?
>> http://forrest.apache.org/faq.html#php
> Neither of those FAQs having anything to do with the motivations of Piwi.
> Ross