Tim Williams wrote:
> David Crossley wrote:
> > Tim Williams wrote:
> >> Anyone had a chance to check this out?  I'll go ahead and apply it but
> >> since some of the earlier problems only occurred under stress
> >> conditions, I wanted to give an opportunity for others to test too.
> >
> > I made some time to try it today. However i don't know what
> > is a good test nor what to look for. Anyway i tried building
> > the Forrest docs at "site-author" with the level for locationmap
> > logging set to DEBUG.
> >
> > Before it took about 4 minutes to build.
> > After adding your LM patch it takes about 2.5 minutes.
> I'm surprised the locationmap is being used on enough duplicate
> requests to make that much of a difference in static mode, that's
> pretty good.

I tested again, and confirmed the speed improvement.

The locationmap is very central to Forrest's operations now.

Perhaps this is an indicator that we should look deeper
at the locationmap requests. There is something in our
mail archives describing the last time when we used
the Cocoon Sitemap Profiler:
