David Crossley schrieb:
> EMMEL Thomas wrote:
> >
> > I have (maybe) small problem, which I cannot resolve following the docs
> > and the mailing lists:
> >
> > I use my own DTD which enhances the default one by adding
> > an element for figures with a caption and an automatic counter
> > and another element with a reference to this first element which could
> > be used
> > like this
> >
> > <sfigure id="somepic" src="imgaes/some.png" alt="some explanation"
> >  caption="This is a picture"/>
> >
> > See <sref ref="somepic" label="Figure"/> ...
> >
> > This works very good as long as I need output to html and I implemented
> > my changes in my skins 'document-to-html.xsl' mainly.
> >
> > Now I like to add these elements to 'document-to-fo.xsl' to get it in
> > PDF too.
> > However, following FOR-1136 my local file isn't used anymore (/-#).
> > Now, I follow the path and like to understand how I could use the
> > locationmap.xml
> > to add my changes again.
> >
> > The problem seems that my project locationmap.xml isn't recognized.
> > I cannot find any reference to it in the locationmap.log-file, the same
> > happens
> > for locationmap-project.xml...
> >
> > I use 0.9dev (not fully up to date) and my locationmap.xml is in
> > PROJECT_HOME/src/content/locationmap.xml
> > (Note: I removed the 'documentation' directory for my project)
> >
> > I added this to it to try to use my old document-to-fo.xsl again:
> >
> >     <match pattern="pdf.transform.*.*">
> >       <select>
> >         <location
> > src="{properties:skins-dir}/abaqus/xslt/fo/{1}-to-{2}.xsl"/>
> >       </select>
> >     </match>
> >
> > and I added this to my document-to-fo.xsl:
> >
> > <xsl:import
> >
> href="{forrest:forrest.plugins}/org.apache.forrest.plugin.output.pdf/resources/stylesheets/document-to-fo.xsl"/>
> >
> > hoping it will work...
> Better to understand how the locationmaps work ;-)
> I just use the default skin, so i don't what you really
> need to do. Ditto for the Forrest project website.
> When i look at Forrest's core locationmaps, it seems
> that it already tries in your project first. So you
> should not need to do any locationmap nor import.
> Look at $FORREST_HOME/main/webapp/locationmap-transforms.xml
> and search in file for "skin transforms".
>  32 <!-- ================================== -->
>  33 <!-- skin transforms                    -->
>  34 <!-- ================================== -->
>  35     <match pattern="transform.*.fo">
>  36       <select>
>  37         <location
> src="{properties:skins-dir}{forrest:forrest.skin}/xslt/fo/{1}-to-fo.xsl"
> />
>  38         <location
> src="{forrest:forrest.context}/skins/{forrest:forrest.skin}/xslt/fo/{1}-to-fo.xsl"/>
>  39         <location
> src="{forrest:forrest.context}/skins/common/xslt/fo/{1}-to-fo.xsl"/>
>  40       </select>
>  41     </match>
> So first in your project's relevant skin dirrectory,
> then in forrest core relevant skin dirrectory,
> then in forrest core common skin dirrectory.
> Hope that helps.
> -David

thanks, this gives some more light into the scene but, sorry, it doesn't
help me after all.
First, following your advice:
src="{properties:skins-dir}{forrest:forrest.skin}/xslt/fo/{1}-to-fo.xsl" />
should point me e.g. to:

However, this file is never recognized, the same happens with a fresh
forrest seeded site!
An this is completely in line with your following statement:


David Crossley commented on FOR-1135:


See my comment in *FOR-1136* - the FO processing moved to the PDF output
So yes, the document-to-fo.xsl from skins is not used anymore.


so what now ???

In addition I realy like to understand how the locationmap-thing works
but I cannot find enough input
to understand the complete work-flow and debugging is very hard...
For example there is a locationmap.xml and maybe a
locationmap-project.xml but I don't know when they are used
and where they should be stored, due to my problems above that no local
locationmap after all will be read.

