Ross Gardler schrieb:
> Such a hole would not show up when converting to HTML as the <a>
> element is legal there and would be passed through unmodified by the
> internal processing. However, given that Forrest is in use in a great
> many places and this hasn't raised it's head before I want to  check
> everything is in order. To that end we need an answer to my earlier
> question "Under what circumstances do you find a document containing
> an <a> gets processed  by this stylesheet?"
> Ross

I think this is connected to my own dtd, since I need some new elements
and change others. For the default document-v20.dtd everything works fine.
However, I never touched <a> inside my dtd,
therefore I think it might be a general problem since it happens all the
time I use an own dtd.
For example I do a forrest seed, create a new dtd as described in the
documentation that is only a copy to the document-v20.dtd, e.g.

<!ENTITY % common-charents PUBLIC
    "-//APACHE//ENTITIES Common Character Entity Sets V1.0//EN"

<!ENTITY % document PUBLIC
    "-//APACHE//ENTITIES Documentation V2.0//EN"

and refere to it in a document like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE greeting PUBLIC "-//Test//DTD myown V1.2//EN" "myown-v12.dtd">

<p>test this link:
 <a href="";>Forrest</a>.</p>

I create the xcat-entry and run forrest
Now, everything works fine for html-output, but fo and pdf miss the link.

Any idea?

