Christopher Maloney wrote:
> I have two questions about Subversion.  I think I understand it, but I just
> want to make sure.
> I just checked out, per the instructions, using
> svn co forrest
> and got revision 755077.  I then went to the repository on my browser, here
> and watched while the revision climbed to 755090.  Is the one repository
> shared by all the Apache projects?  Is that why it changes so fast?

Yes that is correct.

The "svn" mail list will show just the forrest changes.

> My second question, on the ticket, you wrote "Use head of our SVN trunk
> (i.e. 0.9-dev) ".  Is that what I got with the above checkout?

Yes, you did.

However, because i made another change a few minutes ago,
you now do not have "HEAD". Do 'svn update' to get the new HEAD.

>  I see in
> main/build.xml the line
>       <property name="forrest.version" value="0.9-dev"/>
> Is that definitive?

When we make the next release, i.e. "0.9" then one of
the release tasks will be to increment that to "0.10-dev".
The SVN trunk will always use a version number with "-dev"
