Hello all,

I've started to make a new plugin for our documetation needs. I wanted to keep it in the project documentation tree (ie outside of the forrest sources), at least for the moment, so I made a 'plugins' folder in the project root dir, and started from there. So far so well.

The problem came when I wanted to deploy the plugin. Here's the error message I received:

     [echo] Locally deploying MultilingualOOoDraw

/usr/local/forrest/plugins/build.xml:117: /Users/sjur/gtsvn/xtdoc/sd/ plugins/MultilingualOOoDraw/MultilingualOOoDraw not found.

The action on line 117 in that build file reads:

    <copy toDir="${forrest.plugins.localDeploy.dir}/${plugin-name}">
      <fileset dir="${forrest.plugins.dir}/${plugin-name}">
        <exclude name="lib/**"/>
        <exclude name="build/**"/>

What I do not understand is how I got the plugin name twice in the path. I have done this local-deploy many times from the regular plugin dirs, and have had no problems. But something seems to be going wrong when deploying from a project dir. Does anyone have any clue as to what could go on?

Best regards,

PS. The plugin will aggregate several language versions of the same document, and turn it into an OpenOffice Draw document, to create a multilingual brochure with pictures etc. The purpose is rather project specific, but if it can be generalised (and there is interest), I'm happy to move the code into Forrest at some more finished point in time. DS.