On Fri, 2009-04-17 at 16:13 +0200, Andreas Hartmann wrote:
> Andreas Hartmann schrieb:
> > Andreas Hartmann schrieb:
> >> Hi Lenya devs,
> >>
> >> I have started to extend the docu publication and the 
> >> forrestDocument20 resource type with the goal of making the 
> >> documentation editable with Firedocs. IMO this will further lower the 
> >> barrier to improve our documentation. And if it proves useful, maybe 
> >> we can invite other ASF projects to take a look at the system, present 
> >> it at ApacheCon etc.?
> >>
> >> Unfortunately editing is limited to simple text changes at the moment. 
> >> The editor seems to recognize the document structure (the XPath at the 
> >> bottom of the page is displayed correctly), but it doesn't allow to 
> >> apply any structural changes.
> > 
> > Apparently this is due to the lack of a namespace. When I add a 
> > namespace to the document and schema, structural editing is possible.
> > 
> > I'd suggest that we add the namespace to the schema and to all 
> > documentation documents. IMO this can be done incrementally, we just 
> > have to add an intermediate transformation to the presentation pipeline 
> > which adds the namespace where it is missing.
> There doesn't seem to be any inclination in the Forrest project to 
> introduce a namespace (Thorsten, please correct me if I'm wrong). So I'd 
> suggest that we just choose (a Lenya-specific) one, e.g.
>    http://apache.org/lenya/forrest

Hmm, we do not use them ATM for the doc, however we are using them in
some parts of of code. 

The dispatcher e.g. uses 
<forrest:views xmlns:forrest="http://apache.org/forrest/templates/1.0";

Maybe http://apache.org/forrest/document/v20 makes sense for our use
case (reflects best the DOCTYPE declaration).

> Should we discuss this with the Forrest project? Introducing an 
> "official" Forrest namespace would make sense as soon as we promote our 
> documentation solution to other projects. But we can still convert our 
> documents should the occasion arise.

I cc forrest-dev. 

Thorsten Scherler <thorsten.at.apache.org>
Open Source Java <consulting, training and solutions>

Sociedad Andaluza para el Desarrollo de la Sociedad 
de la InformaciĆ³n, S.A.U. (SADESI)