2009/10/12 David Crossley <cross...@apache.org>:
> What is "development" and "developer" in the context
> of Forrest? IMO every person who creates a documentation
> presentation system using Forrest is a developer.

A developer in the context of an open source project is someone who is
contributing to the ongoing sustainability of the project itself.
SOmeone who makes sure their own use of the tool is helping others.

> IMO if the requirement is for a basic website,
> then Forrest is not the correct tool.

Agreed - but that is what most users are using it for.

> On the other hand, if the content needs to be drawn from
> various different places, and integrated, and perhaps some
> specific content handled and presented in different ways.
> Then Forrest is relevant.

I disagree, Forrest *used* to be relevant. In my opinion it is too
hard to get anyting done these days. That's why I no longer use it in
new projects. It's easier to do per site systems now, at least it is
for me. You may have different views.

> One needs to be a developer to enhance the current set
> of plugins or to create new, perhaps private, plugins.
> For example i have an on-line store plugin for one of
> our websites.

Sure, but *you* have it. Why doesn't Forrest? That's the difference
between a user and a developer here. For Forrest to survive the people
who are still finding it useful need to step forward and move the
project onwards and stop relying on people like me who used to find it
useful but no longer do so.

> Configuring sitemaps and stuff requires a developer.
> IMO the "sitemap" and "locationmap" are fantastic.

I agree to an extend, that's why I spent so many thousands of hourse
working on those features (along with many others). Who is working on
it now?
