Vicent Mas wrote:
> > Vicent Mas wrote: 
> > 
> > Thanks for following up onlist, this makes it easier for those coming
> > after you. Clearly the documentation is not very clear, if you can
> > provide a patch for the plugins documentation that would be very much
> > appreciated.
> Well, I cannot do it for the pluginS but I can for the feeder plugin :-). 
> When 
> doing it I've realized that in page

That is a generated page.

> most of plugin links (including the feeder plugin) are pointing to 0_80 docs. 

Yes, only plugins that require 0.9-dev (trunk) functionality are
deployed to the 0_90 space. Otherwise the 0_80 will work
with both.

See the "forrestVersion" attribute in
which is reflected in "Minimum Forrest version required" rows
in the table at

> I've done a patch for the current revision of trunk, r832303. The patch has 
> to 
> be applied to feeder_dir/src/documentation/content/xdocs/index.xml
> I also dowloaded the current official release tarball for linux but I cannot 
> find 
> the plugin sources there. So I've not pached it for the 0.80 version.

That is because code for all plugins is in the SVN trunk,
and installations based on releases will download the plugins from as required.

So you did patch the correct source. When the changes are applied
and the plugin "deployed", then that will update the plugin docs
at the 0_80 space (as explained above).
