On Sun, Dec 06, 2009 at 02:07:13AM +0000, forrest...@forrest.zones.apache.org 
> Automated build for forrest-sample-2 FAILED
> Log attached.
> ----------
> Forrestbot run ended at 06 December 02:07 AM
> Using Forrest 0.9-dev
> Forrestbot administrator: Forrest developers
> ----------
>      [echo] 
>           ....... Forrest render START 2009-12-06 02:07:07
>           ... Rendering docs in 
> /export/home/config/forrestbot-trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-2
> check-java-version:
>      [echo] This is apache-forrest-0.9-dev
>      [echo] Using Java 1.4 from /usr/j2se/jre
>      [echo] Using Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on September 26 2008 from 
> /export/opt/forrest-trunk/tools/ant
> init-props:
>     [mkdir] Created dir: 
> /export/home/config/forrestbot-trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-2/tmp

>       --------------------------------------------------------------
>       Installing plugin: org.apache.forrest.themes.core
>       --------------------------------------------------------------

Aside from the Java version issue, forrest-sample-2 still tries to
pull in o.a.f.themes.core.
