"Gav..." <ga...@16degrees.com.au> said:

> This vote is to move 'trunk' to using java version 1.5.
> This also means advising users/devs that this is the minimum required
> version and that testing on versions of Java earlier than 1.5 will not be
> supported.
> Parts of the current trunk, including 'Dispatcher' do not work or do not
> work well with Java 1.4.x
> I have tested current trunk and dispatcher with Java 1.5 and it works well
> FOR ME. Java 1.6 also works fine.
> I propose that we move to Java 1.5 on trunk immediately following a
> successful vote. I also propose that before voting, that devs TEST Java 1.5
> on trunk and in their own current usage. Only vote for this change if you
> are happy that things will continue to work or will begin to work well for
> YOU.
> This vote for moving to Java 1.5 is to last until at least after the next
> release, so that we have at least one official release using the minimum
> Java 1.5 spec.

