Hi list,

after  a long time (more than one year) without working  with computers due to
several problems I'm trying to come back to my normal activity with computers.
One of the first things I'm trying to do is to update my dispatcher website
(www.vitables.org) but I'm unable to do it. I've done a fresh trunk check out
which built with no problems (just a couple of deprecation warnings):

rachael:/opt/forrest_trunk/main# ./build.sh
Using classpath:
Buildfile: build.xml

Created dir: /opt/forrest_trunk/build


      Using Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on September 26 2008
      Build file /opt/forrest_trunk/main/build.xml
      Use 'build.[sh|bat] -projecthelp' to see other options.
      Build system home /opt/forrest_trunk/tools/ant
      Build number 0
      Project Name Forrest build file
      Java Version 1.6
      Timestamp 201008031357
      This is: apache-forrest 0.9-dev


Created dir: /opt/forrest_trunk/build/classes
Compiling 33 source files to /opt/forrest_trunk/build/classes
warning: [deprecation] org.apache.cocoon.util.log.CocoonTargetFactory
in org.apache.cocoon.util.log has been deprecated
import org.apache.cocoon.util.log.CocoonTargetFactory;
warning: [deprecation] org.apache.cocoon.util.log.CocoonTargetFactory
in org.apache.cocoon.util.log has been deprecated
    extends CocoonTargetFactory {
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
2 warnings

Building jar: /opt/forrest_trunk/build/xml-forrest.jar

  | Installation notice
  | You have now built the 0.9-dev version of Forrest.
  | Please set the environment variable FORREST_HOME to point to
  |  /opt/forrest_trunk
  | It is recommended to add
  |    unix: $FORREST_HOME/bin: to your $PATH
  |    win: %FORREST_HOME%\bin; to your %PATH%
  | Then do 'forrest -projecthelp' to list options for the 'forrest' command
  | More help at http://forrest.apache.org/

Total time: 4 seconds

After that I've created a sample site with $ forrest seed, copied the
forrest.properties* files to my real site folder, and added my required
plugins to the forrest.properties file:

# project.required.plugins=org.apache.forrest.plugin.output.pdf

Then I run $ forrest run. It fails. The output is lenghty but the only errors I
see are the following:


Copying 1 file to /home/vmas/ViTables/website/forrest/build/tmp
Copying 1 file to /home/vmas/ViTables/website/forrest/build/tmp
Fetching plugins descriptor: http://forrest.apache.org/plugins/plugins.xml
Getting: http://forrest.apache.org/plugins/plugins.xml
To: /home/vmas/ViTables/website/forrest/build/tmp/plugins-1.xml
local file date : Tue Aug 03 08:53:46 CEST 2010
Error getting http://forrest.apache.org/plugins/plugins.xml to
Fetching plugins descriptor:
Getting: http://forrest.apache.org/plugins/whiteboard-plugins.xml
To: /home/vmas/ViTables/website/forrest/build/tmp/plugins-2.xml
local file date : Tue Aug 03 08:53:57 CEST 2010
Error getting http://forrest.apache.org/plugins/whiteboard-plugins.xml
to /home/vmas/ViTables/website/forrest/build/tmp/plugins-2.xml
Plugin list loaded from http://forrest.apache.org/plugins/plugins.xml.
Plugin list loaded from


      Installing plugin: org.apache.forrest.themes.core

org.apache.forrest.themes.core is not available in the build dir.
Trying to fetch it...






Trying to find the description of org.apache.forrest.themes.core in
the different descriptor files
Using the descriptor file
Processing /home/vmas/ViTables/website/forrest/build/tmp/plugins-1.xml
to /home/vmas/ViTables/website/forrest/build/tmp/pluginlist2fetchbuild.xml
Loading stylesheet /opt/forrest_trunk/main/var/pluginlist2fetch.xsl

Using the descriptor file
Processing /home/vmas/ViTables/website/forrest/build/tmp/plugins-2.xml
to /home/vmas/ViTables/website/forrest/build/tmp/pluginlist2fetchbuild.xml
Loading stylesheet /opt/forrest_trunk/main/var/pluginlist2fetch.xsl


/opt/forrest_trunk/main/targets/plugins.xml:392: The following error
occurred while executing this line:
/opt/forrest_trunk/main/targets/plugins.xml:413: The following error
occurred while executing this line:
/opt/forrest_trunk/main/targets/plugins.xml:359: STOP GENERATION !
    WARNING - Cannot find the plugin description

    Unable to find the description of org.apache.forrest.themes.core
in the different descriptor files.
    This plugin used by this project (declared in
project.required.plugins variable of the forrest.properties).
    Forrest will stop the generation now.
    To correct this :
      - Check the name of the plugin and correct it in case it is wrong,
      - Add the missing descriptor file in the list in the
forrest.plugins.descriptors variable (forrest.properties) if

Total time: 8 seconds

So although in the past I used the plugin org.apache.forrest.themes.core without
problems it seems I cannot do the same now. Please, could somebody tell me how
to fix the problem?


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