Thanks David!  I'm in the midst of a double move - once to temporary
housing; then a couple weeks later, to the new house - and some other
rather large life-changes during this period but I'll certainly pitch
in as much as possible.  I could be more involved if all the dates
shifted by 2-3 weeks but if this works best for your schedule, I'll do
everything I can to support it.


On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 12:59 AM, David Crossley <> wrote:
> Here is my proposal for the Release Plan. After a discussion
> period, we will vote on this Release Plan.
> Aiming for a release date of 17 January 2011 [4].
> Please check with your time schedules and comment. We want to
> have as many people available as possible to test the release
> candidate. So we can adjust the time schedule a bit to suit.
> For background info on this step and on the release process
> in general, see
> ------------------------
> The minimum Java version for this release is Java 1.5
> ------------------------
> I will be the Release Manager.
> People can help with various aspects of the release process. See [9].
> People can also help between now and then to prepare the codebase.
> ------------------------
> For Plugins, see the proposal below.
> ------------------------
> The phases are:
> Voting to accept the Release Plan ends on:
> Monday 2010-12-20 at 22:00 UTC [1].
> The first release candidate and start of testing:
> Monday 2011-01-10 at 22:00 UTC [2].
> We create the release candidate on this day and start the testing.
> One week is available for this phase.
> Don't bother voting until towards the end of the week,
> because we might need a new release candidate.
> The vote needs to happen against the actual final packages.
> During "code freeze" we do not add any new functionality or
> non-essential work, just bug fixes and documentation tweaks [5].
> If necessary then we create another release candidate on
> Saturday 2011-01-15 at 22:00 UTC [3]
> to give people time to verify the signatures and checksums
> and to do final tests. Between this date and the release date
> there must no changes to SVN. If any are absolutely necessary,
> then we delay the release date and do another release candidate.
> End of voting period:
> Monday 2011-01-17 at 22:00 UTC [4]
> This is the scheduled release date,
> then wait for the mirrors to receive it before
> sending the announcements.
> ------------------------
> Plugins release plan:
> In the past we have never done a proper "release" for any
> of the plugins. We have just done a "deploy" for some of them,
> which packages a plugin and copies it to our website to make
> it available to people who use a Forrest release.
> That is not suitable. See [7]:
> "Releases are, by definition, anything that is published
> beyond the group that owns it." i.e. beyond our "dev" list.
> To rectify that, i propose that we follow up after the
> core 0.9 release to actually vote and release each plugin
> that is suitable to be made widely available.
> Please see the list showing the state of each Plugin [8].
> Between now and mid-January, please work on your favourite
> plugin to get it ready, send patches etc. Deploy any that
> need to be either updated or made available. After the 0.9
> release is done, we will follow up to either "release" each
> one or to retract it.
> Any that are suitable to be released would also be moved
> out of the "whiteboard/plugins".
> If this general Plugin release plan is okay, then we can
> devise a more detailed procedure. After this batch of plugin
> releases, they can each be independently released as new
> plugin versions are needed.
> ------------------------
> The proposed milestones are:
> [1] end of vote on Release Plan
> Monday 2010-12-20 at 22:00 UTC
> [2] create initial release candidate, start testing
> Monday 2011-01-10 at 22:00 UTC
> [3] create final release candidate if necessary
> Saturday 2011-01-15 at 22:00 UTC
> [4] end of vote on final release candidate and commence the upload phase
> Monday 2011-01-17 at 22:00 UTC (i.e. planned release date)
> [5] Code freeze is defined here
> [6] Guidelines for Voting
> [7] What is a Release?
> [8] State of Plugin deployment
> [9] How to release Forrest
> ------------------------