Hi Andreas, Hi Carsten

thanks for your answer that saved me wasting time on a closed way

i succeed achieving what i wanted using a macro

As all my document are filtered through an open document listener, i decided to clean dynamically the registry.xcu file when the event is fired
It works. the recovery.xcy file is cleaned
i expect that on a future crash (how to make OOo crash ?) the file will not be proposed

here is the code if it helps other

thanks again guys !



sub killRecoveryForFile(urlDoc)

registry = getConfigSetting("org.openoffice.Office.Recovery/RecoveryList", true) 'helper sub that open the registry in update access mode
        names = registry.elementNames()
        for i= lbound(names) to ubound(names)
                element = registry.getByName(names(i))
                url = element.originalUrl
                if not isNull(url) then
                        if url = urlDoc then
                                exit for
        next i

end sub

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