Yan Wu wrote:

On 2/10/10, Mathias Bauer <mathias.ba...@sun.com> wrote:
Carsten Driesner wrote:

Yan Wu wrote:
Hi Carsten,

For the findbar feature, a shortcut key(e.g.: Ctrl+G) is defined to
set the current cursor to the EditControl of the findbar, here are two
methods to dispatch the command(e.g.: .uno:SearchText, which can be
got by the Accelerators configuration):
Hi Yan,
1)Define the command 'SearchText' and the corresponding slotID in sdi
files and handle them via shells in swriter/scalc/simpress.
This is not an option as we need to support this command in the future
for all application modules (e.g. database).

2)Implement a DispatchProvider for command .uno:SearchText, here are
the ideas how to implement this:
- add a new unocommandsdispatcher.hxx/cxx in
framework/source/dispatch/, implement a new UNO component
UnoCommandsDispatcher, which implements interfaces XDispatchProvider
and XDispatch. In the dispatch call we can set the cursor to the
EditControl of the findbar by such way:
I am sorry, but I don't like this idea either. This is clearly a hack as
we add special code in a generic implementation. Best way would be to
implement a ProtocolHandler in svx for the find bar. That's something we
can extend as we like and we don't need to change generic code. You can
find more information about ProtocolHandler in the Developer's Guide.
It's also possible to use the skeleton-maker from the OpenOfficr.org SDK.
Maybe a ProtocolHandler is a little bit too much for that? I agree that
special functionality shouldn't be implemented in a generic
implementation, but forwarding calls to a dispatcher for generic
commands isn't what I would call a "hack".

The sfx2 based dispatch mechanism solved that problem with
implementation inheritance, our UNO based mechanism can't (and
shouldn't) do that. But what about this: our sfx based documents don't
implement the UNO Dispatch API themselves, the sfx provides a generic
implementation that maps the API to the old sfx dispatching (using
slots). We could add the said generic UnoCommandsDispatcher here and
Base could do the same in its own implementation of the UNO dispatch
API. Thus we replace implementation inheritance by containment.

Currently we have to implement a new ProtocolHandler for a new
functionality. Yes, I also think the said generic
UnoCommandsDispatcher could be used to handle those commands which
can't be mapped to the old sfx dispatching.
And DispatchProvider::implts_queryFrameDispatch(...) should be the
right place to forward such commands,
e.g.:'.uno:SearchText'/'.uno:FocusToFindbar'/..., to the
UnoCommandsDispatcher, which will be implemented in
framework/source/dispatch/unocommandsdispatcher. Right?
Hi Yan,

That could be a way to implement such a uno-command dispatcher. Currently this is not as important as the find bar feature. I would like you to help Shizhoubo exclusively to finalize the implementation. The recovery effort can be put on hold as Frank already did most of the necessary work.


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