The package of Servlet related classes has changed because of Jakarta,
which breaks our Servlet support (freemarker.ext.servlet), which is packged
into freemarker.jar.

We have to choose which end result we want (ignore the "how" for now) as
the solution, from these two (as far as I can tell):

1. We can copy the `freemarker.ext.servlet` package into
`freemarker.ext.jakartaservlet` (or such), and we will only have the normal
artifact in Maven Central, which contains that, and also the older
freemarker.ext.servlet. Explanation: As you probably know, 2.x has a single
monolithic freemarker.jar artifact, which already contains support classes
of various optional dependencies. We already support multiple incompatible
Serlvet/JSP versions, and has separate version-specific classes for some.
But, classes like  freemarker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerServlet managed to stay
common amongst Servlet API versions. For the Jakarta change not even that
can remain common of course.

2. We can have an additional artifact variant (let's say via Maven
classifier "jakarta"), that still uses the `freemarker.ext.servlet`
package, but there that links to the Jakarta Servlet classes. This artifact
will drop support for pre-Jakarta Servlet/JSP versions.

Possibility 1 pro: We don't have to publish one more artifact. Also, then
users don't have to fiddle with dependency management to choose the
artifact with the "jakarta" classifier.

Possibility 1 con: Any existing dependent Java code that used
`freemarker.ext.servlet` so far, and wants to migrate to a Jakarta Servlet
container, has to be modified to link to `freemarker.ext.jakartaservlet`
instead. That sounds quite bad, however, the same dependent Java code
likely has to be modified anyway, to link to Jakarta Servlet classes.
Except, there are tools, like, that transforms jar-s
to depend on Jakarta Servlet API, but same tools of course won't replace
links to freemarker.ext.servlet with freemarker.ext.jakartaservlet, so some
pain is expected. Also, `web.xml`-s that refer to
`freemarker.ext.servlet.FreemarkerSerlvet` also have to be modified, if
someone uses a Jakarta container.


Note 1: We had two attempts so far on this issue, but certainly the actual
solution will be a 3rd one. Anyway, the "how" is now not the point now, but
here they are:


Note 2: At some later(!) point, maybe in a FreeMarker 2.4.0, we can get rid
of non-Jakarta servlet support. At the same point, we will also get rid of
the GAE/non-GAE variety. So we could end up with just a single variant of
the freemarker 2.x artifact, over time.

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