So at the end, I did this (quoting the commit message):

Renamed some ZeroArgumentNonVoidMethodPolicy-es to reflect the meaning more
precisely (on the expense of having really long enum names):
This way it's now also true that the ZeroArgumentNonVoidMethodPolicy just
specifies "How to show 0 argument non-void public methods to templates", as
now all the exceptions related to Java Beans are described for the enum

On Sun, Apr 21, 2024 at 4:51 AM Simon Hartley
<> wrote:

> I don't know if it makes sense given the method fine tuning stuff, but
> here are two approaches:
> 1. First choose which methods are exposed and then choose how they can be
> accessed in the template,
>     i.e. which ones are "properties" (i.e. hash items)
> 2. First determine what methods we are going to treat as properties and
> then do exposure afterwards (methods and/or properties)
> Would it be clearer to rename in ZeroArgumentNonVoidMethodPolicy
> For exposureLevel, we could choose to split it by adding
> recordExposureLevel (defaulting to USE_DEFAULT or UNSET, with a value of
> e.g. -1),
> rather than adding a million variations to the existing exposureLevel
> flags.
> Cheers,
> Simon
> On Sunday, 14 April 2024 at 12:43:50 BST, Daniel Dekany <
>> wrote:
> There's no "EXPOSE" variant for that, at the moment. We had to add
> though with a less comical and more future-proof name.
> On Sun, Apr 14, 2024 at 12:29 PM Simon Hartley
> <> wrote:
> >
> > I experimented with setting:
> > exposureLevel=freemarker.ext.beans.BeansWrapper.EXPOSE_PROPERTIES_ONLY
> >
> > This seems to prevent records from using anything but the bean
> properties,
> > so the components in the record don't get exposed as hash items.
> > Is there some equivalent so that I could have beans act just as beans
> > and records act just (more or less) as records (at least as a plan for
> the future)?
> > Or to filter out methods which don't conform to
> ZeroArgumentNonVoidMethodPolicy (plus indexed methods)?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Simon
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thursday, 11 April 2024 at 09:42:02 BST, Daniel Dekany <
>> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > So what I plant to do is renaming things to something like these
> > > (suggestion for better names are welcome):
> > >
> > > ZeroArgumentNonVoidMethodPolicy.BEAN_AWARE_THEN_EXPOSE_AS_METHOD
> > > ZeroArgumentNonVoidMethodPolicy.BEAN_AWARE_THEN_EXPOSE_AS_PROPERTY
> > >
> > >
> > > And then maybe I would also add policies where we don't care about
> > > bean stuff, as it should be in theory with records. I don't think many
> > > user will want such a purist approach, but it can be useful in
> > > ensuring that our implementation is sound (because then it should be
> > > possible to implement such a policy).
> --
> Best regards,
> Daniel Dekany

Best regards,
Daniel Dekany

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