Wednesday, January 11, 2017, 6:28:20 PM, Julien NICOLAS wrote:

> Hi Jacopo,
> I can provide some help for that.
> I'm not a designer but I've already make some logo and icon.
> Do I keep the current logo or can I imagine some new one ?


Thanks for the offer!

The Twitter "logo" (the "<F>" at was
made ad-hoc as the small icon shown next to each tweet. Then one day
Twitter introduced that 200x200 image and automatically used that
small and JPEG-compressed icon scaled up... Anyway, yes, it can be
reimagined. We don't really have a logo, unless we count the homepage
favico as such (it's a blue "<#>"; maybe a good start).

As of the eggs Jacopo refers to, the Incubator PMC would prefer if we
show an Incubator logo somewhere on the pages of (The API docs and Manual can be excluded from
that.) Preferably on a place that you see without scrolling down.

As of the missing header image on (it's
currently just solid blue), that's not a priority. But anyway, as we
are incubating, I wouldn't dare to use the usual Apache header
graphics. Unless we add the eggs with the incubation disclaimer to
it... (-:

> Julien.
> Julien.
> Le 11 janv. 2017 16:51, Jacopo Cappellato
> <> a écrit :
> The Freemarker project is looking for some help to improve or change some
> of its graphic elements e.g. a higher resolution logo for Twitter, some
> design work to include the Apache Incubator "egg" and the beloved Apache
> "feather" etc...
> Volunteers?
> Jacopo

 Daniel Dekany

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