I would like to remove these deprecated FM2 FTL constructs in FM3:

- #escape, #no_escape (recently deprecated in favor of 
- .template_name in favor of .current_template_name (there's also 
- http://freemarker.org/docs/ref_depr_numerical_interpolation.html
- http://freemarker.org/docs/ref_depr_directive.html
- http://freemarker.org/docs/ref_depr_builtin.html

Any thoughts?

Some other changes were agreed upon earlier (but weren't implemented yet):

- Remove tag syntax autodetection (<#> VS [#]). Use file extension (or
  TemplateConfigurator-s associated otherwise) to decide the syntax.
  This is to help tooling (not even the JBoss Eclipse plugin managed
  to correctly deal with it).

- Only keep the camel case naming convention, not only because it has
  become the dominant convention nowadays, but because the data-model
  uses that anyway (as it comes from Java).

As you might notice, currently the focus is on removing stuff, because
doing that the earliest makes refactoring less expensive.

 Daniel Dekany

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