Hi Daniel,

On Fri, May 5, 2017 at 3:18 PM, Daniel Dekany <ddek...@apache.org> wrote:
> This is now partially implemented (I have just committed it). There
> are many rough edges yet, but Configuration is now immutable, and it
> basically works. See:
> https://github.com/apache/incubator-freemarker/blob/3/src/test/java/org/apache/freemarker/manualtest/GettingStartedExample.java
> Would be good if more people looks at this thing. As you will see if
> you do, there's a hierarchy of configuration related interfaces, which
> are implemented by both XxxConfiguration and XxxConfiguration.Builder.
> And so on... please find mistakes in this stuff, especially
> architectural ones.

It looks really good! Great work!

> There are some missing and somewhat undecided things, most notably:
> - If a setting has a Map or List value, when someone calls
>   builder.setFoo(someMap), should we copy someMap, or let people
>   modify it via aliasing? Well, at the very latest when
>   builder.build() is called, we must copy it, as the result must be
>   immutable. Also, aliasing has this problem that when the user
>   utilizes it, it's potentially confusing for someone else reading the
>   code later, as instinctively you only consider the content of the
>   Map (or List, etc.) where builder.setFoo(someMap) was called. Also
>   if you utilize aliasing like builder.getFoo().put(some, more), then
>   you possibly unwillingly assume that the Map passed into setFoo was
>   mutable (not a Guava ImmutableMao.of(...), which is popular). So I'm
>   bending towards copying the map at the setter, and return an
>   immutable view with builder.getFoo(), but add a dedicated
>   `builder.putFoo(some, more)` (as it was in FM2 as well). This allows
>   us to do some performance tricks, like cache invalidation in
>   Environment.

+1. Fully agree to all the pointers you made.

> - Should we allow calling builder.build() for multiple times? The
>   trap one can run into with that is that then the two (or more)
>   resulting objects will share the same stateful setting values, like
>   the cacheStorage. That can lead to malfunction, and especially as
>   cacheStorage has a default value, it's a quite sneaky thing
>   (because, the user doesn't even realize that such setting exists, as
>   he did not set it explicitly).

I think a builder instance may return the same instance. I've read
about the builder pattern again:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Builder_pattern. There's no rule or
reason to have to return a new instance on every #build() call. Even
the Java example, CarBuilderImpl, in the page returns the same
instance, too. It seems a lot safer to do in our context as well. So,
I would return the same instance from the same builder on #build()

Kind regards,


> Sunday, February 19, 2017, 7:41:54 PM, Woonsan Ko wrote:
>> On Sun, Feb 19, 2017 at 10:04 AM, Daniel Dekany <ddek...@freemail.hu> wrote:
>>> Sunday, February 19, 2017, 11:35:44 AM, Denis Bredelet wrote:
>>>> My message was not clear, I mean builders are not required for
>>>> standard configuration settings if they are simple types.
>>> Of course not. We are only talking about setting values like
>>> ObjectWrapper, TemplateLoader, TemplateResolver (when it's added),
>>> etc. For them, I think we will have just bite the bullet and add both
>>> `void setFoo(Foo)`, and `void setFooBuilder(Builder<Foo>)` (and their
>>> fluent API equivalent), and `Builder<Foo> getFooBuilder()`, but no Foo
>>> getFoo().
>> +1
>>> And if you call setFoo(myFoo), then getFooBuilder() will
>>> return something like a `new o.a.f.core.ResultWrapperBuilder(myFoo)`,
>>> where ResultWrapperBuilder is just a wrapper myFoo, so that it
>>> satisfies the Builder<Foo> interface.
>> +1
>>> I think I will also ban using
>>> setFoo(Foo) if Foo is known to have a Builder, just to enforce the
>>> intended usage pattern.
>> +1
>>> Unless somebody comes up with a better idea, I
>>> will try this approach when I get there, and we will see how it works
>>> out in reality.
>> +1
>> Woonsan
>>>>> Le 19 févr. 2017 à 10:24, Denis Bredelet <brede...@mac.com> a écrit :
>>>>> Hi Daniel,
>>>>>>>> But then we lose the immutability of the built object, which was the
>>>>>>>> point of using builders on the first place.
>>>>>>> Ah, you're totally right! If builder is able to update an immutable
>>>>>>> object, then the object turns out to be mutable indirectly through the
>>>>>>> builder. I missed that part. :-)
>>>>>>> Hmm.. it seems difficult to make it immutable considering those
>>>>>>> expensive nested objects.
>>>>>>> Would it be possible to introduce lifecycle methods such as
>>>>>>> #initialize() in Configuration to prohibit (IllegalStateException)
>>>>>>> using it and its nested objects until initialized?
>>>>>> Sure, but that was plan B in case we don't go for builders at all (see
>>>>>> in the thread starter mail). I mean, if we have that, what's the
>>>>>> benefit of the builder classes? When I go for builders, I would hope
>>>>>> fore real final fields in the built objects, and that also means that
>>>>>> I don't have to worry about the ordering of the field assignments,
>>>>>> because I got all everything at once, so I can sort the assignments.
>>>>> Final fields for built objects is not a requirement if all the standard 
>>>>> configuration settings are simple, e.g. String or Integer etc.
>>>>> Then possible mutations do not affect the standard configuration when 
>>>>> using a builder.
>>>>> — Denis.
>>>>>>> If so, perhaps we can wait for everything configured in each stage
>>>>>>> and finally initialize those expensive objects only once by the
>>>>>>> core. Also, would it be possible to wait until the final
>>>>>>> initialization phase, only capturing settings, without having to
>>>>>>> create a nested object such as ObjecrWrapper in earlier stage?
>>>>>> Where do I capture the settings of the ObjectWrapper (the nested
>>>>>> settings)? Anyway, that's why I thought that perhaps, if we have
>>>>>> cfg.setFoo(T) where Foo is not just some primitive or such, then we
>>>>>> also allow cfg.setFooBuilder(Builder<? extends T>)... and then, you
>>>>>> can, using your words, capture the nested settings too.
>>> --
>>> Thanks,
>>>  Daniel Dekany
> --
> Thanks,
>  Daniel Dekany

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