There was some work done earlier to run the Jenkins jobs in a Docker container. 
 We’re not currently doing that, but I think that’s your best bet to get a 
stable environment.  See


> On Jan 16, 2017, at 8:51 PM, Jacob Barrett <> wrote:
> Roman or Mark,
> Reading the list of build tools on the Jenkins slaves it sounds like these
> boxes are geared solely towards Java compilation. Is there a build system
> or slave for building native bits?
> We will need GCC 4.9 or newer (C++11), CMake, Doxygen, and a few other
> tools.
> Thanks,
> Jake
> On Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 8:47 PM Jacob Barrett <> wrote:
>> Roman,
>> I understand what you are saying. I think that since the build process
>> between the Java Geode bits and the Native Geode bits will completely
>> different it might help to have the separate. Until someone comes up with a
>> good cross platform and cross language build tool that is commonly used in
>> the development environments for each language these builds will remain
>> different. Gradle sucks for building C++ and .NET sources and CMake sucks
>> for building Java sources. Gradle is not popular in the native project
>> world nor is CMake popular in the Java world. So making one build system to
>> cover them all would just hurt everyone. Since the experience will be
>> unique for each I feel that it justifies a separate repo but I can totally
>> see the other side of just keeping it all together.
>> I too am worried about being isolated but I think as long as it is just
>> the repo we should be fine.
>> Thanks,
>> jake
>> On Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 4:14 PM Roman Shaposhnik <>
>> wrote:
>> Here's my own, personal minority report: I think that a separate repo
>> will complicate your build and release process and will fracture your
>> nascent community. That said...
>> On Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 3:58 PM, Jacob Barrett <>
>> wrote:
>>> Mark,
>>> Looks like we have lots of votes for your separate repo idea. What do we
>>> need to do to get that going?
>> This is a self-managing thing. Here's the tool:
>>> On that note too, do you know who we need to ping to get a build going?
>> Did I mention complications to build and release process? ;-)
>> At any rate -- there's nobody to ping -- it'll be you Jacob (or whoever
>> else is signing up to hack on the Native client). Mark can give you
>> Jenkins karma tho:
>>> I would suggest we target Linux first since it is the easiest. The tools
>>> necessary can be found in the src/ file.
>> That's very much up to whoever is doing the actual work, but it sounds
>> reasonable.
>> Thanks,
>> Roman.

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