It's been reported in GEODE-2247 that gfsh can connect in a secured
environment without a username/password when using the --use-http flag.
When using a jmx connection, this would immediately prompt for

In the http environment, the connection isn't any less secure.  The moment
one attempts to execute a command that an "anonymous user" cannot execute,
they will receive a failure with a message informing them that the user (in
this case anonymous) cannot execute that command.  That's all fine and
good, but the UX should probably be to fail instead on the 'connect' when
in a secure environment.


The issue is that gfsh uses the 'ping' endpoint to determine connectivity,
which is not secured.  Moreover, it starts a connection poll, hitting that
endpoint every 500ms to ensure the connection is still alive.  I can't
determine why it's doing this other than to try to wrap an artificial
'state' in to the stateless nature of REST.  The only advantage I see is
that if I kill my server, gfsh knows right away that it's been disconnected
from it.

I have not yet determined whether or not the socket stays open through all
of this.  I suspect that it does or otherwise I'd see a lot of FIN_WAIT
entries in my netstat results.

One possible solution to this is to implement security in the endpoint.
But doesn't have any security in it.  Security
is handled further downstream.

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