Current GeodeRedisAdapter implementation is based on
We are looking for some feedback on Redis commands and their mapping to geode 

1. Redis Type String
  a. Usage Set k1 v1
  b. Current implementation creates "STRING_REGION" geode-partition-region 
  c. This k1/v1 are geode-region key/value
  d. Any feedback?
2. List Type
  a. usage "rpush mylist A"
  b. Current implementation maps each list to geode-partition-region(i.e. 
mylist is geode-partition-region); with the ability to get item from head/tail
  c. Feedback/vote
      -- List type operation at region-entry level;
      -- region-key = "mylist"
      -- region-value = Arraylist (will support all redis list ops)
  d. Feedback/vote: both behavior is desirable

3. Hashes
  a. this represents field-value or java bean object
  b. usage "hmset user1000 username antirez birthyear 1977 verified 1"
  c. Current implementation maps each hashes to geode-partition-region(i.e. 
user1000 is geode-partition-region)
  d. Feedback/vote
    -- Should we map hashes to region-entry
    -- region-key = user1000
    -- region-value = map
    -- This will provide java bean sort to behaviour with 10s of field-value
    -- Personally I would prefer this..
  e. Feedback/vote: both behaviour is desirable

4. Sets
  a. This represents unique keys in set
  b. usage "sadd myset 1 2 3" 
  c. Current implementation maps each sadd to geode-partition-region(i.e. myset 
is geode-partition-region)
  d. Feedback/vote
    -- Should we map set to region-entry
    -- region-key = myset
    -- region-value = Hashset
  e. Feedback/vote: both behaviour is desirable

5. SortedSets
  a. This represents unique keys in set with score (usecase Query top-10)
  b. usage "zadd hackers 1940 "Alan Kay"" 
  c. Current implementation maps each zadd to geode-partition-region(i.e. 
hackers is geode-partition-region)
  d. Feedback/vote
    -- Should we map set to region-entry
    -- region-key = hackers
    -- region-value = Sorted Hashset
  e. Feedback/vote: both behaviour is desirable

6. HyperLogLogs
  a. A HyperLogLog is a probabilistic data structure used in order to count 
unique things (technically this is referred to estimating the cardinality of a 
  b. usage "pfadd hll a b c d"
  c. Current implementation creates "HLL_REGION" geode-partition-region upfront
  d. hll becomes region-key and value is HLL object
  e. any feedback?
7. Default config for geode-region (vote) 
   a. partition region
   b. 1 redundant copy
   c. Persistence
   d. Eviction
   e. Expiration
   f. ?
8. It seems; redis knows type(list, hashes, string ,set ..) of each key. Thus 
for each operation we need to make sure type of key. In current implementation 
we have different region for each redis type. Thus we have another 
region(metaTypeRegion) which keeps type for each key. This makes any operation 
in geode slow as it needs to verify that type. For instance, creating new key 
need to make sure its already there or not. Whether we should allow type change 
or not.
  a. Feedback/vote 
     -- type change of key
     -- Can we allow two key with same name but two differnt type (as it will 
endup in two different geode-region)
        String type "key1" in string region
        HLL type "key1" in HLL region
  b. any other feedback
9. Transactions:
  a. we will not support transaction in redisAdapter as geode transaction are 
limited to single node.
  b. feedback?
10. Redis COMMAND (
  a. should we implement this "COMMAND" ?
11. Any other redis command we should consider?


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