Hitesh and Team,

Also, I think geospatial support in core Gemfire that can be exposed thru
the following Redis GEO... commands would be great


On Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 10:48 AM, Gregory Green <ggr...@pivotal.io> wrote:

> Hello Hitesh,
> The following is my feedback.
> *1. Redis Type String*
>   I like the idea of creating a region upfront. If we are still using the
> convention that internal region names start with "__" , then I would
> suggest something like a region named "__RedisString region"
> *2. List Type*
> I propose using a single partition region (ex: "__RedisList") for the List
> commands.
> Region<byteArrayWrapper,ArrayList<byteArrayWrapper>> region;
> //Note: ByteArrayWrapper is what the current RedisAdapter uses as its data
> type. It converts strings to bytes using UTF8 encoding
> Example Redis commands
> RPUSH mylist A =>
>  Region<ByteArrayWrapper,List<ByteArrayWrapper>> region = 
> getRegion("__RedisList")
>  List list = getOrCreateList(mylist);
>  list.add(A)
>  region.put(mylist,list)
> *3. Hashes*
> Based on my Spring Data Redis testing for Hash/object support.
> HMSET and similar Hash commands are submitted in the following format:
> HMSET region:key [field value]+ I proposed creating regions with the
> following format:
> Region<ByteArrayWrapper,Map<ByteArrayWrapper,ByteArrayWrapper>> region;
> Also see Hashes section at the following URL https://redis.io/topics/da
> ta-types
> Example Redis command:
> HMSET companies:100 _class io.pivotal.redis.gemfire.example.repository.Company
> id 100 name nylaInc email i...@nylainc.io website nylaInc.io taxID id:1
> address.address1 address1 address.address2 address2 address.cityTown
> cityTown address.stateProvince stateProvince address.zip zip
> address.country country
> =>
> //Pseudo Access code
> Region<ByteArrayWrapper,Map<ByteArrayWrapper,ByteArrayWrapper>> 
> companiesRegion = getRegion("companies")
> companiesRegion.put(100, toMap(fieldValues))
> //------
> // HGETALL region:key
> HGETALL companies:100 =>
> Region<key,Map<field,value>> companiesRegion = getRegion("companies")
> return companiesRegion.get(100)
> //HSET region:key field value
> HSET companies:100 email upda...@pivotal.io =>
> Region<key,Map<field,value>> companiesRegion = getRegion("companies");
> Map map = companiesRegion.get(100)
> map.set(email,upda...@pivotal.io)
> companiesRegion.put(100,map);
> FYI - I started to implement this and hope to submit a pull request soon
> related to GEODE-2469.
> *4. Set*
> I propose using a single partition region (ex: __RedisSET) for the SET
> commands.
> Region<byteArrayWrapper,HashSet<byteArrayWrapper>> region;
> Example Redis commands
> SADD myset "Hello" =>
> Region<ByteArrayWrapper,Set<ByteArrayWrapper>> region = 
> getRegion("__RedisSET");
> Set set = region(myset)
> boolean bool = set.add(Hello)
> if(bool){
>   region.put(myset,set)
> }
> return bool;
> SMEMBERS myset "Hello" =>
>     Region<ByteArrayWrapper,Set<ByteArrayWrapper>> region = 
> getRegion("_RedisSET");
>         Set set = region(myset)
>         return set.contains(Hello)s
> FYI - I started to implement this and hope to submit a pull request soon
> related to GEODE-2469.
> *5. SortedSets *
> I propose using a single partition region for the SET commands.
> Region<byteArrayWrapper,TreeSet<byteArrayWrapper>> region;
> 6. Default config for geode-region (vote)
> I think the default setting should be partitioned with persistence and no
> redundant copies.
> 7. It seems; redis knows type(list, hashes, string ,set ..) of each key...
> I suggested most operations can assume all keys are strings in UTF8 byte
> encoding, not sure if there are any mathematical number based Redis
> commands that need numbers.
> *8. Transactions:*
> +1 I agree to not support transactions
> *9. Redis COMMAND* (https://redis.io/commands/comman
> <https://redis.io/commands/command>
> +1 for implementing the "COMMAND"
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Hitesh Khamesra <hitesh...@yahoo.com.invalid>
> Date: Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 5:36 PM
> Subject: GeodeRedisAdapter improvments/feedback
> To: Geode <dev@geode.apache.org>, "u...@geode.apache.org" <
> u...@geode.apache.org>
> Current GeodeRedisAdapter implementation is based on
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/GEODE/Geode+Redi
> s+Adapter+Proposal.
> We are looking for some feedback on Redis commands and their mapping to
> geode region.
> 1. Redis Type String
>   a. Usage Set k1 v1
>   b. Current implementation creates "STRING_REGION" geode-partition-region
> upfront
>   c. This k1/v1 are geode-region key/value
>   d. Any feedback?
> 2. List Type
>   a. usage "rpush mylist A"
>   b. Current implementation maps each list to geode-partition-region(i.e.
> mylist is geode-partition-region); with the ability to get item from
> head/tail
>   c. Feedback/vote
>       -- List type operation at region-entry level;
>       -- region-key = "mylist"
>       -- region-value = Arraylist (will support all redis list ops)
>   d. Feedback/vote: both behavior is desirable
> 3. Hashes
>   a. this represents field-value or java bean object
>   b. usage "hmset user1000 username antirez birthyear 1977 verified 1"
>   c. Current implementation maps each hashes to
> geode-partition-region(i.e. user1000 is geode-partition-region)
>   d. Feedback/vote
>     -- Should we map hashes to region-entry
>     -- region-key = user1000
>     -- region-value = map
>     -- This will provide java bean sort to behaviour with 10s of
> field-value
>     -- Personally I would prefer this..
>   e. Feedback/vote: both behaviour is desirable
> 4. Sets
>   a. This represents unique keys in set
>   b. usage "sadd myset 1 2 3"
>   c. Current implementation maps each sadd to geode-partition-region(i.e.
> myset is geode-partition-region)
>   d. Feedback/vote
>     -- Should we map set to region-entry
>     -- region-key = myset
>     -- region-value = Hashset
>   e. Feedback/vote: both behaviour is desirable
> 5. SortedSets
>   a. This represents unique keys in set with score (usecase Query top-10)
>   b. usage "zadd hackers 1940 "Alan Kay""
>   c. Current implementation maps each zadd to geode-partition-region(i.e.
> hackers is geode-partition-region)
>   d. Feedback/vote
>     -- Should we map set to region-entry
>     -- region-key = hackers
>     -- region-value = Sorted Hashset
>   e. Feedback/vote: both behaviour is desirable
> 6. HyperLogLogs
>   a. A HyperLogLog is a probabilistic data structure used in order to
> count unique things (technically this is referred to estimating the
> cardinality of a set).
>   b. usage "pfadd hll a b c d"
>   c. Current implementation creates "HLL_REGION" geode-partition-region
> upfront
>   d. hll becomes region-key and value is HLL object
>   e. any feedback?
> 7. Default config for geode-region (vote)
>    a. partition region
>    b. 1 redundant copy
>    c. Persistence
>    d. Eviction
>    e. Expiration
>    f. ?
> 8. It seems; redis knows type(list, hashes, string ,set ..) of each key.
> Thus for each operation we need to make sure type of key. In current
> implementation we have different region for each redis type. Thus we have
> another region(metaTypeRegion) which keeps type for each key. This makes
> any operation in geode slow as it needs to verify that type. For instance,
> creating new key need to make sure its already there or not. Whether we
> should allow type change or not.
>   a. Feedback/vote
>      -- type change of key
>      -- Can we allow two key with same name but two differnt type (as it
> will endup in two different geode-region)
>         String type "key1" in string region
>         HLL type "key1" in HLL region
>   b. any other feedback
> 9. Transactions:
>   a. we will not support transaction in redisAdapter as geode transaction
> are limited to single node.
>   b. feedback?
> 10. Redis COMMAND (https://redis.io/commands/command)
>   a. should we implement this "COMMAND" ?
> 11. Any other redis command we should consider?
> Thanks.Hitesh
> --
> *Gregory Green* (Senior Data Engineer)
> ggr...@pivotal.io

*Gregory Green* (Senior Data Engineer)
PTO Alert: Feb 14

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