Calling all Geode devs:

I've put together a new, and quite basic example that attempts to
what partitioning does.  Please review and see the PR at

When reviewing this example, please keep in mind that my goal is to
tightly focus on partitioning, so it really doesn't do too much.  Other
examples will demonstrate other and more complex aspects of using or
with Geode.

Here's the comment I placed in the PR, as you'd want to see this in order to
run the example yourself:

  This example intends to demonstrate what partitioning does (distributes
> entries across buckets, and therefore across servers). It also illustrates
> what goes wrong when a bad hashcode is used, such that all entries end up
> in the same bucket.
> Running the example is explained in the partitioned/ file. It
> assumes that the reader has already read and followed the minimal
> directions in the file at the root of the geode-examples repo.

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